Greece Fact Check

/ Mar 26, 2025

NO, Bill Gates did not release a livestock feed additive (Bovaer) that harms fertility

Claim: Bill Gates released a livestock feed additive (Bovaer) that harms fertility.

Conclusion: Bill Gates did not release a livestock feed additive (Bovaer) that harms fertility. Boaver aims to reduce methane emissions from cows, and despite any concerns about its safety, it does not pose a risk to fertility. Both Bill Gates and Arla have dismissed the claim, which may have originated from Gates’ investments in a company developing methane-reduction supplements.

What is true

The claim that Bill Gates released a livestock feed additive (Bovaer) that harms fertility has been circulating widely online.

The claim originates from The People’s Voice systematically publishes articles that misinform readers. It is a “successor” (with the same contributors) to News Punch and YourNewsWire, websites that exclusively publish false news and conspiracy theories. In the past, we have debunked numerous claims originating from this website. All claims from this website are false.

Specifically, the conspiracy claim appears to target the dairy company Arla, which utilized Bovaer in its effort to reduce methane emissions. In our attempt to discover Bovaer’s impact on individuals’ fertility as well as any involvement of Bill Gates, we searched Google with the phrase “Bill Gates Bovaer” and found information about both Bovaer’s properties and Bill Gates’ contribution to the matter.

Bovaer is a feed additive aimed at reducing methane emissions released by animals, which severely harm the climate. As Logically Fact and various experts point out, the substance is safe because it is not present in the milk produced by cows, as it is consumed and broken down by their metabolism. Furthermore, this additive has undergone and continues to undergo scrutiny by various food safety agencies.

Regarding Bill Gates’ involvement, the findings reject any connection to Arla’s policies and products, as the company itself has stated. Furthermore, Bill Gates has no relation to the production and promotion of Bovaer, and this particular claim may have originated due to the entrepreneur’s investments in a new company called “Rumin8” which also deals with methods and supplements for reducing methane emissions.


Bill Gates did not release a livestock feed additive (Bovaer) that harms fertility. Boaver aims to reduce methane emissions from cows, and despite any concerns about its safety, it does not pose a risk to fertility. Both Bill Gates and Arla have dismissed the claim, which may have originated from Gates’ investments in a company developing methane-reduction supplements.

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