Greece Fact Check

/ Mar 03, 2025

The Nazi Salute Does NOT Have Ancient Greek or Roman Origins

CLAIM: The Nazi Salute Has Ancient Greek or Roman Origins

VERDICT: There is no historical evidence that the Nazi salute was used in Ancient Rome or Ancient Greece. Its roots lie in misinterpretations of 18th-century neoclassical art and its deliberate adoption by 20th-century fascist movements.

Recently, the claim that the Nazi salute has ancient Greek and/or Roman origins has resurfaced. This is a myth that gained significant traction in Greece starting in 2012. The topic of this specific salute returned to the spotlight due to a similar gesture recently made by Elon Musk. Supporters of Musk on social media, particularly on the Musk-owned platform X (formerly Twitter), argued that the gesture was not fascist but rather a “Roman salute,” highlighting Musk’s known admiration for ancient Rome. To back their claim, several users shared scenes from the 2005-07 TV series Rome, which portrays Roman salutes.

The fascist party of Benito Mussolini adopted the so-called “Roman salute” in the 1920s, believing it revived an ancient Roman gesture symbolizing strength and unity. Later, the salute was adopted by the Nazi party in Germany. The Nazi salute, known as the “Hitlergruß” (“Hitler Greeting”), involves extending the right arm straight forward with the palm facing downward. In 1933, the salute became mandatory under the Nazi regime as a show of loyalty to Adolf Hitler and was accompanied by the phrases “Heil Hitler” or “Sieg Heil.” This gesture became a symbol of Nazi ideology.

In Greece, the salute was used by the 4th of August Regime (1936) under Ioannis Metaxas. According to Article 30 of the General Provisions of the Internal Service Regulations:

The salute is performed by a vigorous extension of the right arm with fingers joined and the palm raised to the height of the right eye, following the model of the purely ancient Greek salute.”

The neo-nazi Golden Dawn political party backed the claim:

The national regime of Ioannis Metaxas, which said ‘NO’ to foreign invaders and fought them in Pindos and Macedonia in 1940-41, had officially established the salute with an extended right arm. This was exactly how Greek patriots saluted back then, those who shed their blood for the Freedom of our Homeland.

Additionally, there was mention of a Doric, or any sort of ancient Greek salute toward the “Rising Sun.” However, these claims do not align with historical records.

The Alleged Origins of the “Roman” and Ancient Greek Salute
The French painter Jacques-Louis David, in his painting The Oath of the Horatii (1784), depicts three brothers extending their arms in an oath of loyalty to their father. This gesture was meant to symbolize honor and sacrifice but was not based on historical Roman practices.

Later, artists and filmmakers adopted this gesture, associating it with Rome, thereby creating a misunderstanding that persists to this day. For example, 20th-century films such as Cabiria (1914), which depicted historical events of Rome, included scenes featuring the “Roman salute.” These portrayals influenced public perception and were later adopted by fascist movements.

Ancient Roman texts and artworks do not depict such a salute. Instead, Roman gestures of greeting were more akin to handshakes or clenched fists. Historians agree that the concept of the “Roman salute” is a modern invention.

Similarly, there is no historical basis for linking the Nazi salute to Ancient Greece. Greek artworks and texts do not depict gestures resembling the Nazi salute. While Greek culture influenced Rome, there is no evidence of such gestures in Greek or Roman societies.

There is no historical evidence that the Nazi salute was used in Ancient Rome or Ancient Greece. Its roots lie in misinterpretations of 18th-century neoclassical art and its deliberate adoption by 20th-century fascist movements.


  1. Roman Salute – Wikipedia
  2. Oath of the Horatii – Britannica
  3. The Real Origin of the Nazi Salute – Tales of Times Forgotten
  4. BBC History Magazine – The history of the Hitler salute, from its dubious Roman origins to its use by the far right
  5. The Conversation – Elon Musk and the history of the ‘Roman salute’
  6. Did Elon Musk give a ‘Nazi’ salute and does it play into the hands of neo-fascist groups? – Euronews
  7. The Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology – Martin M. Winkler – Ohio State University Press
  8. Cabiria: The Intersection of Cinema and Politics
  9. Mosse, George L. The Fascist Revolution: Toward a General Theory of Fascism
  10. From the ‘Nobleman’s Sword’ to the ‘Flag of the Fascist Ideals’ The Formation and Development of Ioannis Metaxas’s Intellectual Weltanschauung (1897–1941) – Vassilios A. Bogiatzis – Brill
  11. Οργανόγραμμα της Ε.Ο.Ν. – Metaxas Project
  12. Χρυσή Αυγή: Ο “ναζιστικός” χαιρετισμός είναι ελληνικός – NewsIt
  13. Περί του αρχαιοελληνικού χαιρετισμού και άλλα ευτράπελα – Αιχμή

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